Things Fall Apart
Things Fall Apart: Delay
No episode this week. My brain just...did not want to brain this weekend. It's been doing that more often that I'd like honestly...
Things Fall Apart
No episode this week. My brain just...did not want to brain this weekend. It's been doing that more often that I'd like honestly...
Things Fall Apart
Our Story So Far - Click here to access past entries! Forward Aboard Zephyr Singer led a small, impromptu parade, at the front of which were herself and Saito, followed by the ambulatory survivors of Aquila, some of them assisted by members of her crew. A surprising number were determined
Things Fall Apart
Aboard Aquila Within three kiloseconds of Aquila's arrival being announced to the assembly, Singer found herself back aboard the Alice's Restaurant Massacree, along with a team assembled from her crew and shipyard personnel. Kasel was with her, as was Luchny, Wasserman, and Cadotte. Wasserman and two
Things Fall Apart
After one really long chapter, a short one!
Things Fall Apart
The Tour, Part 2 of 2
Things Fall Apart
The Tour, at last. 1 of 2
Things Fall Apart
OK, folks, this week's chapter is delayed by the sudden realization that I was about to write about a tour of a ship I had not yet fully laid out in my head. I am, in fact, now going about doing some research as to how actual naval
Things Fall Apart
Zeno's Starship Inspection. We keep getting closer to the actual ship...
Things Fall Apart
I got my crew a new starship for Hanukah...
Things Fall Apart
Our Story So Far - Click here to access past entries! Forward Aboard Bellerophon Lieutenant Cadotte was not good at reading people. Not good at people in general, really. People were a problem, more often than not. So Cadotte thought that it said something for the commodore's mood
OK, folks, I hate to do this two weeks in a row, but here's some real talk. I wrote this week's chapter. I don't like it very much. Now, keep in mind, I am not one of those writers who always dislikes what he
Things Fall Apart
I was at an event this weekend, and came back with my brain a little too fried to write. On the other hand, I used some of my time this weekend not actually at the event to reread what I've written so far, beginning to end. I did