Signs of Hope: Minnesota
No polity is perfect, but Minnesota gives me more hope than most
No polity is perfect, but Minnesota gives me more hope than most
Thanks for being here!
Things Mikey Likes
How often do you get a great book series that's adapted so well that each separately feels like "must-consume" media?
Things Mikey Likes
I suppose I could have made the subject more broad—I like city builders, in general. I was a strong adherent to the old SimCity series through SimCity 4: Rush Hour. Then SimCity (2013) happened and…OK, I promised I’d mainly be talking about things I love, so let’
Things Mikey Likes
You knew that was going to be first, right?
Signs of Hope
Signs of Hope
A rumination on how big things are made up of small things, and on having to start somewhere!
Signs of Hope
Pushing back against the pressure not to do things
Signs of Hope
A few words about your humble writer and why he's trying to get your attention