Things Fall Apart: A week off
This weekend got away from me. A smart Mikey would have spent his unexpected train ride home from New Jersey writing ahead. Alas, I was not a smart Mikey.
Our next installment will appear on 5 August!
This weekend got away from me. A smart Mikey would have spent his unexpected train ride home from New Jersey writing ahead. Alas, I was not a smart Mikey.
Our next installment will appear on 5 August!
No episode this week. My brain just...did not want to brain this weekend. It's been doing that more often that I'd like honestly...
Our Story So Far - Click here to access past entries! Forward Aboard Zephyr Singer led a small, impromptu parade, at the front of which were herself and Saito, followed by the ambulatory survivors of Aquila, some of them assisted by members of her crew. A surprising number were determined
Aboard Aquila Within three kiloseconds of Aquila's arrival being announced to the assembly, Singer found herself back aboard the Alice's Restaurant Massacree, along with a team assembled from her crew and shipyard personnel. Kasel was with her, as was Luchny, Wasserman, and Cadotte. Wasserman and two
After one really long chapter, a short one!