Things Fall Apart: Delay

I was at an event this weekend, and came back with my brain a little too fried to write. On the other hand, I used some of my time this weekend not actually at the event to reread what I've written so far, beginning to end. I did this partly as a general refresher, but also to start taking mental notes for creating an omnibus, as I've discussed. There will definitely have to be some retcons and realignments—early chapters were not written with the assumption that this story was in continuity with a whole bunch of other stories I wrote a while ago, but now, they are, and that changes a couple of assumptions I made, particularly about Singer's background, that have to change. There are other bits of continuity errors scattered throughout, but not as many as I feared, and in at least one case, I discovered I'd planted the seed for something earlier than I'd remembered.

My plan right now is to get to the point I've obviously been moving toward, where Zephyr leaves the system, and then pause to go through, refurbish the chapters as published, and begin to pull an omnibus together. I will still try to get one of the chapters I need to for that progress done this week, just late; and then I think only one more chapter is needed to reach the pause, which will coincide with The Holidays(™).

Thank you all for being here! It means a lot!