Things Fall Apart: Whoops!
I appear to have forgotten to queue up the next chapters of Things Fall Apart in time for today! This weekend was busy busy busy.
I promise not to leave you hanging too long!
I appear to have forgotten to queue up the next chapters of Things Fall Apart in time for today! This weekend was busy busy busy.
I promise not to leave you hanging too long!
Aboard Zephyr They were thirty kiloseconds returning to Borass' orbit, which was more than it had taken either the workboat or Zephyr to get to Aquila. For one thing, neither had left from Borass—they had left from the dockyard further outsystem, and also closer in revolution to the
No episode this week. My brain just...did not want to brain this weekend. It's been doing that more often that I'd like honestly...
Our Story So Far - Click here to access past entries! Forward Aboard Zephyr Singer led a small, impromptu parade, at the front of which were herself and Saito, followed by the ambulatory survivors of Aquila, some of them assisted by members of her crew. A surprising number were determined
Aboard Aquila Within three kiloseconds of Aquila's arrival being announced to the assembly, Singer found herself back aboard the Alice's Restaurant Massacree, along with a team assembled from her crew and shipyard personnel. Kasel was with her, as was Luchny, Wasserman, and Cadotte. Wasserman and two